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Jogo Certo Lotofácil
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Confira os ultimos jogos sorteados!Aumente as chances do seu jogo em 25%!Não existe fórmula mágica paga ganhar na Lotofácil, masdesenvolvemos um cálculo baseado nas 10 dezenas mais sorteadas detodos os tempos e nos ultimos 6 jogos sorteados que pode aumentarsua chance em até 25%!Para ficar rico e ganhar muito dinheiro o caminho é apostar nasorte! A loteria federal tem muitas opções de jogo, mas a Lotofácilé a que tem a maior probabilidade de acerto isto é fato.Boa Sorte!Check out the latestgames drawn!Increase the chances of your game by 25%!There is no magic formula to win the Lotofacil paid, but developeda calculation based on 10 randomly selected over dozens of alltimes and drawn in the last 6 games that can increase your chancesby 25%!To get rich and make lots of money is the way to bet on luck! Thenational lottery has many game options, but Lotofacil is the onewith the highest probability of being correct that is fact.Good Luck!
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There´s a war in digital world, and yourmission is join all fragments of source code that will replenishthe order.As more you moving on, more of "R-Virus" will come. Special itenswill be send to help in your mission.--------------------------------------------------------------------------*SPECIAL ITENS:- LIGHT TRAIL: like tron light cycles style- CLUSTER SHOTS: shot them all enemies around you.- SLOW : all virus will slow down for a few seconds.- FREEZE: time stops and you can move free for a few seconds.- M-PULSE: releases a magnetic shockwave capable to destroy allvirus around you.- LASER: creates a line of destruction in your sides.- INVISIBLE: nothing can touch or see you for a few seconds.- BARRIER: 3 layers of energy will protect you and destroy who tryto touch you.*CONTROLS:Use the pad or acelerometer to control, tilt your device andcalibrate as you want.* FACEBOOK CONNECTION:Beat your own records and chalenge your facebook friends.Storyline and details:The neon and glow Grafics of game remind Tron style, all actionhappens in a grid inside the computer matrix, the source code wasfragmented and the R-Virus spreads in system changing regularclusters to zombie clusters and the mutation of R-virus changesthem forever, to agressive and angry clusters.
JogoCerto MegaSena 1.1
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Confira os ultimos jogos sorteados! Aumente as chances do seu jogoem 25%! Não existe fórmula mágica paga ganhar na MegaSena, masdesenvolvemos um cálculo baseado nas 10 dezenas mais sorteadas detodos os tempos e nos ultimos 6 jogos sorteados que pode aumentarsua chance em até 25%! Para ficar rico e ganhar muito dinheiro ocaminho é apostar na sorte! A loteria federal tem muitas opções dejogo, mas a Mega Sena é a que tem a maior probabilidade de acertoisto é fato. Boa Sorte!
Assopra Fitas 1.0
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Olha só! Você veio parar no AssopraFitas!Prazer, meu nome é Gusang e vamos viajar nesse gigantesco mundo dosgames! Sinta-se a vontade e navegue no canal, tem muita coisabacana pra você ver, aposto que vai gostar! Não esquece deinscrever-se pra não perder nenhum vídeo!Sobre mim:■ Gusang, você não é muito novo pra gostar de jogosclássicos?R: Na verdade, não se tem idade pra gostar de clássicos! Eu tenho18 anos, mas mesmo assim joguei um montão de vídeo games duranteminha infância! E o melhor de tudo isso, é que com os vídeos, alémde vocês aprenderem, eu também aprendo muito mais!■ Como você captura e edita seus vídeos?R: Se eu tiver o jogo citado em cartucho, uso uma placa de capturasimples para captação, caso ao contrário uso emuladores que temfunção própria de gravação (exemplo: SNES9X Recording, FCEUX), epra jogos de PC eu usou o Dxtory e o Fraps.Look! Did you end up inAssopraFitas! Pleasure, my name is Gusang and we travel in thisgigantic world of gaming! Feel at ease and navigate the channel,has a lot of cool stuff to see you, I bet you'll like it! Do notforget to subscribe to not miss any videos!About me:■ Gusang, you are not too young to enjoy classic games?A: Actually, you do not have to like old classics! I'm 18, butstill played a lot of video games during my childhood! And best ofall this is that with the video, and you learn, I also learn somuch more!■ How do you capture and edit your videos?A: If I have quoted in the game cartridge, use a plate of simplecatch to capture, use case unlike emulators which has its ownrecording function (example: SNES9X Recording, FCEUX), and for PCgames I used Dxtory and Fraps.
I Love my Mom
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This application will help you to send thatspecial photo tribute to his mother deserves this Mother's Day.Choose one of the effects and a beautiful photo of hismother.12 frames are available to choose from.and Happy Mother's Day!!
I Love my Dad
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This application will help you to send thatspecial photo tribute to his dad deserves this Father's Day.Choose one of the effects and a beautiful photo of hismother.12 frames are available to choose from.and Happy Father's Day!!
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Para você que confirmou presença nos eventosde protesto do Facebook, a hora é essa!agora você pode participar da festa da democracia dentro dacomodidade do seu quarto!e o melhor sem estragar a panela preferida da sua mãe, e ficar 1mês sem ganhar mesada!rsDivirta-se! e faça bom uso!Abraço Tina!For you who confirmedpresence in the Facebook protest events, the time is now!Now you can join the party of democracy within the comfort of yourroom!and the best without breaking the preferred barrel of hismother, and stay one month without earning allowance! rsHave a good time! and make good use!Tina hug!
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do you like insects?bugs?nasty things?smash ants is past! the new way is smash cockroach!Have fun with this cockroach and scare up your friends, and makeyour girlfriend crazy.You can change the background and turn off the music if youwant.
Carona Brasil 1.7
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Encontre a carona para sua cidade, ou ofereça carona para suacidade de maneira rápida e prática! sem firulas, sem complicação!Carona Brasil, veio para centralizar todas as comunidades e gruposde caronas das redes sociais, facilitando a busca de quem procuraou oferece carona! muitos recursos e facilidades! Caia na estraestrada e siga viagem economizando em passagem, de ônibus, pedagioou gasolina vá conversando, ouvindo música e fazendo novos amigos.
Super Troll Games - vol I
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Mundo Canibal e Irmãos Piologo have one morejunk app to all.Give a scare in your friends, relatives and girlfriend with thisTroll game!2 innocent fun and games of skill and reasoning, his victim willfall like a duckling,only as set in seconds you want the scare happen and just wait andsee!We recommend leaving the phone on any desk or place to preventit from being thrown into the air with the shock may cause damageto your device.This game should be played with headphones, both for games andfor ScareYou can hide the icon configuration scare not to run the risk ofyour friend clicks and find out hahaha!
Mental Drain 1.0
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Mind Brain Drain is a real test. In this game you need to splityour brain in 4, and run 4 tasks at the same time to make morepoints and keep playing! 4 MINI GAMES: 1 logical reasoning inmathematics 2 coordination by clicking on target 3 motorcoordination and agility to choose the right side in the horizontal4 motor coordination and agility to choose the right side in thevertical much excitement and agility in this thrilling game! inviteyour friends and challenge and make more points and prove who hasthe quickest mind among all!
soul collector 2.0
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choose the best souls to enter theheaven.its not an easy mission, so help all the souls.2 game typesClassic:Catch all souls, less the evil soulsyou have only 3 chances to do it.Arcade:Collect max souls as you can in time, you can you power-ups to helpyou in this mission.4 dificulty levels:Beat the game in Classic mode to unlock all dificulty levels.Catch all of them and make the heaven a better place forsouls.Cool itens and and powerups including ghoust trap fromGhoustbusters and more, collect soul coins and cursed skulls,Freeze the time and collect them all.beautifull graphics and rich detailed stages can be apreciatedin this game.Some souls are angry some souls are calm, there´s a soul who atetoo much candy... and rocket souls flying to the sky. Like Pegasus,a flying soul can fly free as a bird in the sky, its hard to catchit. Twin souls are friends forever, dont forget collect both.The heavens door are open, and just the good ones can get in donot forget it. Unlock the Evil playing until the hardest level ifyou dare.
Corra Dilma Corra 1.0
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Dilma Precisa correr para tentar ganhar as eleições de 2014! O povoestá revoltado com a situação do país e varios manifestantes estãoquerendo pegar a Presidente! desvie de todos manifestantes, peguedinheiro e propina para campanha, distribua Bolsa Família para tero povo nas mãos, e sempre peça ajuda a seu mentor LULA! Muitocuidado para não bater nos manifestantes!
Supersimple Zombie game 2.5
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this is the most simple zombie game youhaveever´s simple, just kill the zombies shooting at head or body.there are 3 type of zombies ready to bite your face. becareful,you got just 3 lives.
Piologo's Bros Estragam
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Were invented an application for leavebeautiful, we invented the opposite. The spoil came toruin your photos, make what was already ugly even worse!hahahahaaaaaaBe sure to take pictures giving hadouken on his mother, makingpartoba with his girlfriend andpost the picture on Urges the Hashtag #estragam_app or #estragam* Stickers with the characters:Galera we joined almost all our characters for you guys make themost retardas photos EARTH !!* Stikers text:AAAAHHHHhhhh MUULLLEEEEEQUEEEEeeee, INACREBELIVEABLE, DA HADUKEEENRYOOOoo, and much more!* Several filters:Filter has to deform and let's face you even more pie, let GORDOaway, leave video game 8-bit and many more.* Frames:Now you will be able to KILL SE and make your own partobas, or UFCrum, People More Cleverly Burras Earth, and our many otherframes.
Marco e Amigos 1.6
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Tiras atualizadas semanalmente e criadas e desenhadas por Tako X.Personagens criados por Tako X (Edson Takeuti) e Eduardo Jr.Moreira Marco e seus amigos são uma turminha muito divertida e quevivem aprontando com seus amigos, Marco tem alguns bichos deestimação e muitos amigos. Acompanhe suas aventuras em tirinhasatualizadas semanalmente. Tako X é um cartunista que trabalhoumuito tempo como cartunista para a revista MAD, ele tambem atua comcaricaturas e outros projetos. Assim como Turma da Mônica e outrasobras, Marco tenta resgatar o sentimento de brincadeiras de rua, eamigos do bairro. É uma leitura muito indicada para o publicoinfanto-juvenil.
Sand Columns 1.0
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Collumns is a classic game from 80's, madebySEGA.Sand Columns follow this same vintage gameplay but using allsandgrain graphics and quicktime moviments.its super fun and nostalgic!
Puzzler Kids Puppies 2.0
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If you like traditional board puzzles and puppies, this game itsfor you! 9 puzzles with cute puppies images. you can use referencebutton and tip button to help you. Try to mount as fast as you can!
Text Rogue 1.0.1
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This is a super classic Rogue LikeASCIIgame!explore all rooms of deep dungeon and slay all monsters inyourpath.use your sword to kill all of them! you have an limited healthtodo it. be careful!HOW TO PLAYswipe at direction you want to move character, and passthroughmonsters to attack!
Plano Diretor SJBV
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O Plano Diretor é um dosprincipaisinstrumentos de execução do Plano São João da Boa Vista2050.Ele Orienta o desenvolvimento e a expansão da cidade, assegurandoocumprimento da sua função social e da função social dapropriedadeimobiliária urbana.A participação popular é de extrema importância de formaatenderaos anseios da população.The Master Plan is amajorinstrument for implementing the Plan São João da Boa Vistain2050.He guides the development and expansion of the city,ensuringcompliance with its social function and social function ofurbanreal estate.Popular participation is extremely important in order meettheneeds of the population.
Drib the Flappy Alien 1.3
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A super cool game! Avoid barriers and go away as fast as you can!Use your metal wings and their jets! You're not a bird, but youcould be. 3 super special items to help you! DWARFISM - yourcharacter is facilitating tiny pass checkpoints GIGANTISM - Yourcharacter gets giant destroying the barriers GHOST - your characteris trasnparente and passes through barriers challenge your friendsand make fied time highest points! enjoy it!
Eleições SP 2016 2.6
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O voto consciente é a única arma do eleitor. Use esse aplicativopara conhecer melhor os candidatos a prefeito e a vereador. Veja asmais recentes pesquisas de intenção de voto. O app ainda grava onome e número do seu candidato para compartilhar nas redes sociaise ajuda-lo a votar certo. E mais: notícias atualizadas sobrepolítica e as eleições 2016. Este ano teremos Eleições em São Paulopara: Prefeito Vereador Grave seus candidatos no aplicativo paranão esquecer! e boa votação!
I Love my Love 1.0
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Everyday is good day to show your love. Perfect to Valentine's Day,Marriage, surprises, or just to make someone happy =) 10 love frameeffects to use and share with your love and friends. you can saveor share directly to Instagram. swipe to choose the frame and behappy! If you live our app, please don't forget to rate us, andleave a comment. enjoy.
Crente Crush 1.9
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Tatatatatááá! Help Pastor Metralhadora raise funds for Chessus! Usecombos and power-ups to destroy the blocks and donate as much aspossible! A big surprise awaits the blessed to finish the game! inthe name of Chessus. The gameplay is a known style game where youmust add 3 tiles to destroy and make combos! Good luck on yourjourney to heaven!
8 Bit Instrumental 1.2
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8 Bit is a band formed in the mining triangle that has the purposeof making reinterpretations of game themes of video games of 8 and16 Bit technology using elements of various musical styles such assamba, funk, reggae, jazz and especially rock , making a soundquality, and being undoubtedly one of the 10 best bands of thegenre Game Music of the world. as Neskimos, Minibosses, Vomitron,One Ups The Advantage, Super Soul Bros., Super Guitar Bros etc. Thegroup works from the perspective of the video game as a culturalelement focusing on the proposed instrumental reinterpretations oftracks from games of the 80s and 90s. The band uses video games inhis shows as a form of entertainment and also differentiated sothat the public can contextualize the soundtracks to their games.It's not just a show of a band that accompanies a video game, but ashow of instrumental music. And even people who are not familiarwith this repertoire can appreciate it as well as get to know thesegames that marked an era. It all started when guitarists, Andrewand Rodrigo met and conversations through the halls of theuniversity, discovered the taste for musical compositions for videogames, especially those that are part of their lives sincechildhood. Rodrigo had more experience in the area. Played varioustopics and had already recorded several of his arrangements ofgames like Contra, Super Mario Bros, Street Fighter II, AlteredBeast among others. The Andrew Moses and Son Luciano brothers hadplayed some issues too, but nothing so serious. However, both had acommon desire that had not yet done: put together a band that playthe songs of the games that marked their childhood and adolescence.Thus began the history of the group 8 Bit Instrumental, that in ashort time has become a famous and recognized his beautiful work inthe middle of Video Game Music band. How to download songs:warning, to donwload you need to have drobox alike apps instaled,such as drobox, or skydive or google drive bit+ instrumental
Meme Maze 1.0
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Get into this crazy maze!All Memes characters are waiting for you.Meme Maze is a classical arcade game style with cool memes,andsurprises.
End Of World Countdown 1.6
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Enjoy your lives my dear friends, because we are very close to theend. This aplication show how many days has left until thearmagedon. show to you girlfriend, and friends, afterall we have notime to lose! let´s enjoy the life!
Flappy Bot
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Its a frenetic escape! There is no time!Use your hability to avoid the moving lazer beams, and gofurtheras long you can!Timming is the most important thing, use your jets in therightmoment!Good Luck!
Revenge of Pigs
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it is time to revenge!As Pink Floyd did, the really pigs can fly, and not just fly, butspitting fire from his nostrils too.Control the flying pig shooting all the birds that are on your way.use the power ups to develop their powers!* Fun with challenging three stages* 3 power ups to evolve your pig* Many enemies and challenges, and hard bossesbeat his record on killing this angry birds!
Long Jump Biker 4.0.3
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Have fun with this exciting game where you are a fearless rider whodefies death in great leaps. * Over 100 levels with severalobstacles and challenges * Stacked Cars, school buses, trucks,helicopters, football goal posts, arches of death, flames and evengiant propellers are your obstacles! Collect as many stars aspossible during the jump How to Play * -------------------------Set the correct angle of the ramp and the acceleration of your bikeand get ready to jump!
Bolão da Copa 2014 1.0.0
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O clássico das Copas do Mundo está de volta! Crie quantos bolõesquizer, bolão do pessoal do trabalho, bolão dos amigos do bairroetc. Este aplicativo permite que você crie grupos de bolão,customizados com as regras que escolher, com sua foto de capacustomizada e muito mais, em uma disputa tão emocionante quanto aCopa! *Sistema de Pontuação inovador: Pontue por resultado Pontuepor placar exato Pontue por acertar o placar exato sozinho Pontuepor errar o resultado sozinho Pontue se errar 3 vezes seguidas Façacombos, e multiplique seus pontos conforme você acerta sem errar osresultados *Real time game! O aplicativo vai passando informaçõesem tempo real do andamento do jogo, esta em disputa de penaltys seo jogo foi cancelado até mesmo por manifestação ou por chuva ou atépor cachorro no campo! =P
molly the mole 1.3
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Molly the Mole is a remake of classic game of hammering in the molein a hole.
La Cucaracha
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Coachroach! Smash them all!
Drib the Flappy Alien 1.0.95
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Help Drib to escape from his planet before it's destroyed!!
Lovers Gifts
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Valentine's Day are coming, how to choose the best gift toyourlove? find here!
Tank House 1.0
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Game created at Global Game Jam 2019
Jogo Certo LotoMania 1
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Check out all the results and increase your chances of winning!
GB Lite - APK Tool 2023 1.1
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GB lite comes with amazing and one touch features in single screen